Separate Centers no longer availalbe

Silver Contributor

One of my customers tenants no longer has the separate Security and Compliance  centers, the navigation is back to showing a link to the old combined SCC. Why did this change? Is anyone else seeing this?

3 Replies
Hi @Dean_Gross,

This has happened on my personal tenant too.

Interesting thing is if you go to or which are the URL's for them they both go back to the SCC too.

Best, Chris
Yes, i saw a week or so ago, that links to separate center disappeared from SCC and when i tried to go to or compliace it forwarded me back to It worked fine a few weeks back. I guess they found issues and rolled back changes. Although no announcement.

Then again, i'm testing on my not so standard Free Teams tenant. But usually it gets new features also.

Perhaps they realized that the state they released those portal in is far from a GA product? 🙂


They are still accessible for M365 tenants it seems, but not in my "plain" O365 tenants.