Security Questions and Answers

Community Manager

Hey all!


I just wanted to check the pulse of this community and get some feedback on how this platform is used. I know Microsoft Security products can be confusing at times and Tech Community is a great place to come for answers from either your peers or even Microsoft employees themselves. We want to make this a clean and friendly place to do that even though we weren't setting out to replace Docs, Answers, or even Help Desk when we created this community.


I'd love for this post to start a conversation about what you'd like to see from Tech Community in the future, and what you are looking for this platform to be. Any and all suggestions, comments, and feedback are welcome! Thanks :smile:

2 Replies

Hello !

We need a DNS filtering on cloud. Can be done within Security Center, Azure application, or with a new website. The DNS filtering is done by public static IP of costumer.  The costumer configure the DNS IP of cloud in DNS forwarding of Active Directory, or in DHCP configuration. The cloud filter DNS requests by the costumer static public IP. 

All DNS resolutions of network can be filtered by cloud. The cloud needs a website categories and list with malicious websites. DNS is one of the first stages of attacks. Microsoft needs a public DNS to done this. The costumer associate the IP in the cloud.



I tested the Defender for Cloud, but it Defender for DNS in Azure operate with DNS private zone only.