New Blog Post | Security and Compliance Easter Eggs in Microsoft's NEW Teams Premium



Full blog Post: Security and Compliance Easter Eggs in Microsoft's NEW Teams Premium


Back in October, Microsoft introduced Microsoft Teams Premium (Premium) during Ignite, later announced Premium preview as a limited trial for commercial customers in December, and now generally available February 1. These updates likely went under the radar for many security and compliance professionals, as the solution's safeguards are buried within the valuable efficiency and collaboration enhancements. Admittedly there are some interesting meeting and webinar branding features, and I'm personally excited about the new note taking functionality (powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT) to generate tasks and flag moments in the recording where you're mentioned. However, the purpose of this blog is to highlight the meetings protection capabilities that come with Premium and address nuances an IT or security leader should consider prior to procuring the add on.


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