New Blog Post | Microsoft Sentinel Automation Tips & Tricks – Part 3: Send email notification option



Microsoft Sentinel Automation Tips & Tricks – Part 3: Send email notification options - Microsoft Te...


This blog is part of a multi-series

Part 1: Automation rules

Part 2: Playbooks

Part 3: Send email notification options – this blog

Part 4: Dynamic content and expressions – coming soon


Sending an email notification is an everyday automation task. Organizations commonly use the "Office 365 Outlook" Logic App connector, action "Send an email", to perform this routine task. This blog will cover other options for sending an email notification like using a shared mailbox, crating approval process, adding options, using HTTP connector, etc.
In one of the following blog series parts, we will also go through actions like "Compose" and "Create HTML table" that we are using to enrich email notifications sent.


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