New Blog Post | Microsoft Entra change announcements - June 2022 train



Microsoft Entra change announcements - June 2022 train - Microsoft Tech Community


In March 2022, we announced our simplified change management process, which allows customers to predictably plan their deployments. Earlier this month at RSAwe introduced Microsoft Entra as our new product family that encompasses all of Microsoft’s identity and access capabilities. Today we're excited to share that our newly announced change management process will expand to cover all of Microsoft Entra. We're also sharing our June train for feature changes and breaking changes.


We communicate these changes every quarter to our customers with the blog and release notes and via email. We're also continuing to make it easier for our customers to manage lifecycle changes (deprecations, retirements, service breaking changes) within the Entra portal experience. Below is a quick snapshot of our communication schedule, with biannual product retirement communication and quarterly breaking/feature changes.

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