New Blog Post | How CISOs are preparing to tackle 2022



How CISOs are preparing to tackle 2022 - Microsoft Security Blog

Looking back over the last year, the security landscape has continued to experience significant change and escalation. Every day, we see the toll this is taking on organizations of all sizes as they navigate the enduring challenges of the pandemic, the expansion of the digital estate, and the evolution of threats. As defenders ourselves, we understand the relentless commitment required to safeguard people and organizations in this environment. It is our mission to ensure security leaders have the tools and resources they need to succeed in this important work. To continually understand the priorities and concerns of our community, we run research with security leaders every six months. I wanted to share some of those insights with you, as you may find the information valuable in your work.

To begin, the top five challenges shown below, as reported by survey takers, are very consistent with what I’m hearing in my regular interactions with customers and partners. 

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