How to Check Your Version of WinRM
Published Sep 08 2018 02:25 AM 407 Views
First published on CloudBlogs on Mar, 24 2010

[ Carol Bailey has contributed today's post]

One of the external dependencies for out of band management is that Windows Remote Management (WinRM) version 1.1 (or later) must be installed on each site system server that hosts the out of band service point role and on any computer that runs a remote Configuration Manager console.  But how do you know whether your computer is running WinRM and what version it is?

These were questions that Levi Stevens and I had, and put to Nathan Burkhart (PM for Windows Manageability).  Thanks to Nathan, and Dan Albright (writer), you can get these questions answered by referring to this new documentation: Versions of Windows Remote Management

Our topic Prerequisites for Out of Band Management will link to this document with our March update.  However, I'm sure that many customers, not just those running out of band management, will benefit from this information.

-- Carol Bailey

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Version history
Last update:
‎Sep 07 2018 07:25 PM
Updated by: