How do I set alert setting on PIM Azure AD roles using PowerShell or Graph API

Copper Contributor

My plan is to export and import settings for AAD Roles in bulk with PowerShell.
I'm trying to set "Role assignment alert" with PowerShell for aadRoles in PIM but the command Set-AzureADMSPrivilegedRoleSetting does not have options for alerts.
How can I configure the alert settings of privileged roles using PowerShell or Graph?
The reference here gives me an error:
The current endpoints of AAD roles have been disabled for the tenant for migration purpose. Please use the new Azure AD RBAC roles. Please refer to for new PIM features; for API and PowerShell changes because of migration.",

3 Replies

Hi @canix1 ,


I'm hitting the same problem ... You can export or create with PS all role-settings, except everything under the "notifications" section of the role-settings ...

Did you manage to solve this?



Hi @Raf Cox 


No, I'm still stuck but have not done any research for a while.




Hi @canix1 

Not sure if you managed to resolve this. Is it possible to update notification setting using Set-AzureADMSPrivilegedRoleSetting? Thank you.

