How Azure Security Center detects DDoS attack using cyber threat intelligence

Community Manager

Azure Security Center automatically collects, analyzes, and integrates log data from a variety of Azure resources. A list of prioritized security alerts are shown in Security Center along with the information you need to quickly investigate the problem along with recommendations for how to remediate an attack. In addition, a team of security researchers and experts often work directly with customers to gain insight into security incidents affecting Microsoft Azure customers, with the goal of constantly improving Security Center detection and alerting capabilities.


In the previous blog post "Azure Security Center adds Context Alerts to aid threat investigation," Ian Hellen described the context alerting feature that helps to automate security investigation and delivers relevant context about what else happened on the system during and immediately before an attack. In this blog post, we will focus on a real-world DDoS attack campaign and how it was detected using cyber threat intelligence.




Read about it on the Azure blog.

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