NO SE PUEDE CONECTARNo se pudo conectar con el equipo remoto debido a un
error de licencia. Si sigues teniendo el mismo problema, pide ayuda al
administrador de red.Código de error: 0x102 Es un error de este
programa, con la app aRDP Free no tengo ese problema.Si lo desinstalo y
espero 30 o 40 días,...
@Simone_Oor Does it actually do the export? I now just cannot remember
if creation lists only tables that has data. Also no AzureActivity or
AzureDiagnostics tables are mentioned here:
If AzureAc...
@jikuja Thank you for engaging. The AzureActivity should be available
for export, as this is what I used in my environment. Here is the export
screen shot: In the storage account my container is "am-azureactivity".
I do prefer Option Two, as it gives me much more control of when and
what. Plus the p...
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