Oct 01 2018
08:48 AM
- last edited on
May 24 2021
02:04 PM
Oct 01 2018
08:48 AM
- last edited on
May 24 2021
02:04 PM
Does anyone have a link to a comparison guide of Azure MFA vs Azure MFA Server?
I am specifically looking for which services work with which product (maybe version of product).
"Which version of Azure MFA is right for my organization?" as of 7/10/2018 doesn't really cover it.
EMS E3 vs E5 comparisons (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/cloud-platform/enterprise-mobility-security-pricing) and Azure AD Editions Feature Comparison (https://msdnshared.blob.core.windows.net/media/2017/04/AzureADSKUsFeatureComparison.pdf) are also too high level for what I am looking for.
Thank you in advance.
Oct 01 2018 10:55 AM
What exactly do you mean by services, the different O365 workloads?
Oct 03 2018 08:02 AM
Oct 03 2018 11:06 AM
Conditional Access, Azure AD Identity protection and all the other services should work just fine with Azure MFA Server. Or any other 2FA method performed on-premises. Now if you want to use such services to force MFA (via Azure MFA), people might find the behavior confusing, if not trained properly.
Oct 08 2018 07:32 PM
Your first link at docs.microsoft.com includes a Content Feedback mechanism at the bottom of the article. It would be great if you could submit there and detail a little more what you're looking for. This is a good opportunity to influence the article, so the next person finds the level of detail you were looking for.
Oct 09 2018 05:41 AM