Announcement: Azure RMS Documentation Library Update for August 2014
Published Sep 08 2018 04:45 AM 436 Views
First published on CloudBlogs on Aug, 29 2014

Hi everybody

As per Carol’s introduction post , she's letting you know what's new and hot in the docs for this month.

Reminders: Follow us on twitter ( @TheRMSGuy ) and join in our our new RMS peer community at .


Dan (on behalf of the RMS team)

The Documentation Library for Azure Rights Management has been updated on the web and the latest content has Updated: August 1, 2014 at the top of the topic.

Summary of the documentation available: Getting Started with Rights Management | Configuring Rights Management | Using Rights Management | Administering Rights Management by using Windows PowerShell

Plus, the Rights Management sharing application guides ( admin guide and user guide ) and FAQs (for Windows and mobile platforms ).

In case you wondered what happened to the doc update announcement last month ... there wasn't one, so you didn't miss anything. There were very few doc revisions, and updates were held for the new releases that I've sure you read about in Dan's blog post: Major Update: Improved Office file support + Service improvements

The blog post included a great introduction to the recently updated RMS sharing app, but if you're looking for more information, there's now an "all-things-RMS-sharing-app" page that gathers resources for this app together in one place.  And it addresses the "What’s your story for protecting documents other than Office?" question that we often hear. You'll find this new page here: How RMS protects all file types – by using the RMS sharing app

One of the other releases included in this blog post was for the AD RMS mobile device extension. The supporting documentation for this is no longer prerelease: Active Directory Rights Management Services Mobile Device Extension . Other topics were updated to support this new release, including:

We value customer feedback and try to incorporate it when possible.  Although we can't promise to make the docs perfect for everybody, we are committed to continual improvement.  If you have any feedback about the docs for the mobile device extension, RMS sharing application, or Azure RMS, email .

What's New for the RMS Sharing Application Documentation, August 2014

The following information lists the topics that contain significant changes since the last update (June 2014) and support the August release. In addition, the RMS sharing application for Windows now officially replaces Rights Protected Folder (RPF) Explorer, with end of support documented in the Rights Protected Folder Explorer topic.

Rights Management sharing application administration guide

- Updates include:

Rights Management sharing application user guide

- Updates to support the latest release:

What's New in the Documentation Library for Azure Rights Management, August 2014

The following information lists the topics that contain significant changes since the last update (June 2014).

Comparing Azure Rights Management and AD RMS

- Updated for the new capabilities for mobile devices and AD RMS.

Requirements for Azure Rights Management

- Updated the Client device capabilities table to refect the lastest supported options for mobile devices.

Terminology for Azure Rights Management

- Added a new entry for the new .ppdf file name extension.

Planning and Implementing Your Azure Rights Management Tenant Key

- Updated for the following:

  • Removed the prerelease disclaimer for BYOK over the Internet, and updated the link to download the toolset from the Microsoft Download Center . The toolset is now fully released!
  • To reflect the latest Thales versions, the --km-type option for the new-world.exe --initialize command (to select the security world module key type) is now updated with the recommended --cipher-suite option.
  • Corrected incorrect file name examples (thanks to Philippe Beraud for identifying these errors).

Configuring Custom Templates for Azure Rights Management

- Updated to reflect the new changes in the Office 365 admin center, which support the transition to the Azure Management Portal to configure custom templates.

Deploying the Azure Rights Management Connector

- Updated the callout in the Prerequisites section to emphasis that directory synchronization is required, even in a testing environment. Don't be tempted to think that manual password synchronization is sufficient!

Logging and Analyzing Azure Rights Management Usage

- Updated to correct the request type incorrect value of "Sign" (the correct value is "SignDigest") in the How to interpret your RMS logs section.


- Updated to remove the quotes around the language IDs.

[ Note that some other cmdlet topics have an updated date for August, but these were to correct some of the old branding references to Windows Azure. We thought we had updated them all, but apparently not!]

Version history
Last update:
‎Sep 08 2018 04:45 AM