AIP UL Classify and protect client error on old Windows 7 SP1

Brass Contributor

Hi community,


I installed the last version of Azure Information Protection (AIP) unified client on an old Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) PC.


All AIP labeling activities work fine from Office 365 apps (Outlook, Word, Excel and so on), but when I tried to use AIP Classify and protect client for labeling a .TXT file (for example) I received this error (see screeshot, too): "ERROR: Failed downloading Information Protection policy".


Could someone help me to resolve, please?


Thanks in advance,


5 Replies



Hi, Whilst it's obvious that you've got AIP working on Windows 7, it is not actually a supported OS so this could be why it does not work for you -


Do you have a supported device you can try this on please?

Thank you very much @PeterRising,


Naturally, all works fine on a supported device like Windows 10. I tried on it. 


But I need to know if there is a workaround to resolve this AIP UL issue on Windows 7 SP1 with extended support.


Checking AIP UL client Help and Feedback on Window 7 SP1, the client status was "Working Offline" (see attached image). It seems like it is unable to connect to MS AIP service to download the labels. 



I'm afraid I know of no such workaround.  I don't believe this is going to work on Windows 7.

I resolved the issue. I installed all windows 7 SP1 last updates and all works fine now 😉





Awesome, thanks for sharing this update.  :smile: