AIP - Labeling documents in SharePoint

Copper Contributor

Hi All,


I am using AIP UL client 2.7.101. Default labels and applicable lables are getting applied automatically for docx created via desktop version based on sensitive info type.


Similarly i am trying to create a new word document in SharePoint via browser. At this point, all labels and default label also gets selected. But when i enter sensitive data, like how i entered for desktop version, labels are not getting applied automatically.


AlsoI am not able to turn on labeling for Groups & sites during label creation page. PFA screenshot.


Please help me with steps to get 'Groups & sites' enable and how to enable labeling docs in SharePoint.



1. I understand that there is auto-labeling policy for SP & OD for Data already available. I want to label on document creation in SP. 

2. I have enabled sensitivity labels for SharePoint and OneDrive in compliance center by clicking 'Turn-on now'


Thanks in  advance.


1 Reply

@Maverick1655 About the labels for groups and sites: you have to turn it on for your tenant using PS:


Use sensitivity labels with Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 groups, and SharePoint sites - Microsoft ...




Assign sensitivity labels to groups - Azure AD | Microsoft Docs


About the automatic labeling: Consider migration to UL and publish your labels to your users. You can apply a default label, or use MCAS for your auto-labeling. Integrate Azure Information Protection with Cloud App Security | Microsoft Docs