Feb 11 2022 11:54 AM
I have previously used ProjectOnline and was able to store all types of project documents e.g. risk register, lessons learned, process flow charts. Where do people save all the files typically associated with a project? I want to capture all project artifacts in one location per project. Any and all suggestions would be appreciated
Feb 12 2022 05:30 AM
Hello @BrianNeil3377 ,
Document attachments can be stored added to the tasks in P4TW: https://pwmather.wordpress.com/2021/01/10/task-attachments-in-projectfortheweb-workmanagement-taskma...
For Risks, Issues and Lesson Learned registers / lists, you could look to use the Model Driven app in the Power Platform. You can look to use the accelerator app: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/project-blog/introducing-the-project-accelerator/ba-p/2201000 Or build your own: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/project-for-the-web/faq
Feb 12 2022 07:51 AM
Attaching files to individual tasks will allow me to capture all project artifacts. Thx for the insight.
Appreciate the suggestion to use the Model Driven app in the Power Platform for creating Risk Register, Issues Log, and Lesson Learned. The screen shots look ideal for my requirements. How do I actually create these? per project?
Feb 13 2022 07:41 AM
Hello @BrianNeil3377 ,
Look to use the P4TW accelerator: https://github.com/OfficeDev/Project-Accelerator then customise that app as needed to bring in your other entities you might need. Here are some notes on customising that app: https://github.com/OfficeDev/Project-Accelerator#customizing-the-accelerator Searching the internet for building Power Platform model driven apps will give you lots of ideas / content.