Use external data for custom field lookup table in Project online

Copper Contributor



Is there any way to import data into an enterprise custom field lookup table in project online?





2 Replies
Jason --

If it is any comfort to you, I ran into this exact problem two weeks ago. What I wanted to do was to import the lookup table values from a Microsoft Excel workbook, but alas, there is no Import function available for importing data into a lookup table. So, I was stuck with manually entering the values in the lookup table. I suspect you will need to manually enter the values as well. Sorry, but hope this helps.


In the desktop version, it is possible to copy a list of Excel data, or text, for example, to the clipboard and paste it with Ctrl+V into the table where the list is displayed.

Another alternative would be, if the 'Allow additional items to be entered into the fields. (Values will be added to lookup)' option exists in the custom field definition form(Data entry options), and once selected, paste that same list copied to the clipboard, in the custom field column, at the end of the task list. This way the values ​​would be added to the list, although the new fictitious tasks created in blank would then be deleted.

I don't know if these procedures are applicable to enterprise custom fields, but I'll tell you in case it helps.
