Sep 12 2022 11:49 PM
Hi all I have 2 questions relating to milestones and getting more out of them for custom report sheets.
One thing I'd like to be able to do is to have the resources used summed up at milestones, is it possible to make some kind of custom script where when you create a milestone, it reads all the resources allocated for the tasks above it, right up to the summary task? Or alternatively have that data show up elsewhere without having to read and write down all the resources (workers) used yourself next to the milestone?
The other question I have is about setting milestone "types" if you will.
For example, I wish to indicate that a milestone is also a meeting, so I put the word meeting into the task name, this is read by something and so indicates a specific quality to it, in such a way that I can also easily get a list of the milestones that are indicated as a "meeting".
Any help would be very much appreciated!
Sep 13 2022 08:34 AM