May 22 2022 08:51 PM
I have three tasks, let's call it Task A, B and C.
Task A is predecessor (FS relation) of Task C.
So task C's start date is dictated by Task A finish date.
Task B is not a predecessor of Task C, but Task B's input is taken into Task C.
Task A, Task B & C are to be executed in a sequence with Task C being dependent on Task A but need to consumes the output of Task B along to way, but is not dependent on task B.
Task B is therefore, a sequence and not a dependency for Task C.
How do I model this into Task C without making task C duration dependent on both Task A & Task B ? Is it even possible ?
May 23 2022 05:51 AM
SolutionMay 23 2022 05:51 AM