Sharepoint tasks and Project WPA synchronization

Copper Contributor

Hello, I started using sharepoint tasks list to manage different projects of my company ( each project with a list like:

Resources are shared among the diffent projects, then I tried to use the project desktop to add the files of each list as subprojects in order to have the overview of all the projects of the company ( mpp files from each company project site like: checking for overallocated resources. I got several Project Desktop crashes, loosing important information. Then, I wanted to move to PWA hoping to avoid crashes and using the "Enterprice Resource Pool" to handle company resource. How can I synchronize the existing sharepoint tasks list with the PWA?





3 Replies

Hello @RobertoPangallo ,

You can Add SharePoint Sites in PWA using the Site that contains a task list: 



Here is a blog post that covers this (it's a very old post but the process is still the same): 


Thanks @Paul_Mather!


I meant synchronization between lists already created in the Office 365 Sharepoint collection "..../sites/.../" and the PWA ones "../sites/PWA/...".


In PWA, if I use the function "Add Sharepoint Sites", it will only search in the "../sites/PWA/..." collection, not in the  "..../sites/.../"...


Hello @RobertoPangallo ,

PWA can only include Task Lists from sites within the PWA site collection. It will not be able to access Task lists on sites in other site collections.
