Jan 23 2023 11:04 AM
I am wondering if I can track how frequent users login to/use MS Projects & how many times they have edited/published a Project over a custom timeperiod (e.g. 1 year)? I understood that you can only track the last publish data and not who & how many times a user (re)published/edited (a) project(s).
The goal is to understand which users really make use of MS Project and which ones never login.
Many thanks for your help & time upfront.
Jan 24 2023 01:14 AM
Hello @Charlotte1295 ,
You can get usage reports for Project here in your Microsoft 365 admin center: https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home?source=applauncher#/reportsUsage/ProjectActivity
Details here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/project-activity?view=o365-wo...
Jan 26 2023 08:07 AM - edited Jan 26 2023 09:18 AM
For Project Server 2019 Subscriber Edition this can help with a participation audit
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[pwa_last_login]
REPLACE(REPLACE(A.tp_Login,'Formsbasedmembershipprovider','') , 'domainmembersipprovider', '') as nname
-- above to clean up username
,DATEADD(hh,-5,A.[tp_ExternalTokenLastUpdated]) as lastl
,datediff(dd,DATEADD(hh,-5,A.[tp_ExternalTokenLastUpdated]),GETDATE()) as daysago
,B.[Resource Departments]
FROM [WSS_Content_PWA].[dbo].[UserInfo] A
left join
[WSS_Content_PWA].[pjrep].[MSP_EpmResource_UserView] B
A.tp_Login = B.ResourceNTAccount
where A.tp_Login NOt IN ('sharepointaccount', 'other acount to filter out')
-- above to exclude service accounts