Mar 13 2023 02:49 PM
Deadlines are useful, since they do not shift when the project is recalculated.
Is there a way to set a "deadline" that indicates - "must start by", instead of "must be completed by"?
(I guess I could set a sacrificial milestone before the relevant task with a deadline)
Mar 13 2023 03:15 PM
Hello @Yaakov_Shaked ,
You can use a new custom Start field and add that to the Gantt - rename the field as needed:
Right click on the Gantt then click Bar Styles and add the new bar style, example below:
Hope that helps
Mar 17 2023 05:06 AM
You can try the Schedule from: Project Start Date option in Project / Properties / Project Information, and Project will calculate a Start date from a Finish date, based on the current schedule.
Mar 17 2023 08:39 AM
Mar 18 2023 06:59 AM
"My apologies and thanks to John for detecting that typo error"
"The correct procedure to schedule backward from the Project Finish Date is as follows: go to Project / Properties / Project Information, and Project will calculate a Start date from a Finish date, based on the current schedule.
Although this option is not usually recommended, it can be useful for simulations such as 'When should I start if I want to finish on a certain date?' Later, the result can be used as a starting point for a new or adjusted schedule of the existing one"
Mar 18 2023 08:37 AM
Mar 18 2023 10:17 AM
Thanks for the answers.
My project deadline relates to the arrival of a shipment at customer site.
There, are several steps that must happen before the arrival, such as the shipment itself, packaging etc. These step are known well in advance. In this case it makes sense to plan in reverse in order to translate the final deadline to an earlier "must start by" date.
For example, the package must be shipped by a specific date in order to meet the deadline. (I also know that there is no chance for early delivery)
It is useful to use the deadline functionality for this because it does not effect the project calculations. I can always negotiate a changed deadline if it cannot be met, later on, but it gives me a useful target.