Jan 27 2023 03:02 PM
I have been tracking this schedule for a while. Just noticed that the % complete or the actual duration of the Project summary task is lower than those of the sub tasks. Why is this weird behavior ? what mistake did i do ?
Jan 27 2023 04:03 PM
Jan 27 2023 04:18 PM
@John-project But why the actual duration of the Project summary task is lower than the actual duration of the sub-summary tasks. For ex., mobilkization is 793 days.. milestone is 939 days.. but Project actual duration is only showing 559. It's weird.
Jan 27 2023 06:11 PM
@aneeshU1 You say it's weird. So what do you think the actual duration of the Project Summary task should be?
Keep in mind that summary lines are NOT tasks, despite with the literature may call them, t hey are simply a summary of data for performance tasks (subtasks that have resources assigned to do something). As such percent complete and actual duration for summary lines will be some form of weighted average for all the subtasks under them. The developers of Project chose the formula I showed as that weighted average.
Here's a simple example. Should the actual duration of the Project Summary task be longer than any of the summary tasks under it just because it's the Project Summary task? Answer, "no".
Hope I clarified it for you.
Jan 28 2023 02:57 AM
Nothing weird happening like @John-project said but if you are still not satisfied with his answer, can you please paste a screenshot that also shows Actual Duration, Duration, Start, Finish & Task Calendar.
Jan 30 2023 07:20 AM - edited Jan 30 2023 07:23 AM
I have attached the required screenshot.
Let's say that we have a project of one month duration (31 days).
Now we are at day 15, the project should show the actual duration as 15.
The other activities can show duration 15 or less, as they all are within this project. But it cannot be more than 15. Am I right?
Jan 30 2023 07:29 AM
It seems you have different calendar for Project Summary to the Tasks & Sub-tasks calendar. Assign same calendar and see what happens.
Day 15 does not mean Actual Duration should be 15 days as one of the peeves with MS Project is that it allows tasks to be completed in the future. E.g. if a Task with 31 days is assigned 100% on day 15, MS Project will show actual duration of 31 days and actual finish date in future (day 31).
Jan 30 2023 07:38 AM
Jan 30 2023 09:02 AM
The %Complete of a summary task is calculated as previously mentioned:
100 x Sum of all actual subtask durations / Sum of all subtask durations
And your Actual Duration = % Complete x Duration /100
Taking into account that the Duration = Maximum Finish date - Minimum Start date, of all its subtasks, counting in the Project Calendar.
Certainly, the Actual Duration of a summary task is the value of a proportion, which shows an idea of its progress, but which should not be interpreted as elapsed time or real duration.
You can do the checks in the example above. The Duration 1, Duration 2 column displays the sums of the Duration and Actual Duration of the subtasks, respectively.