Project Online - Drilldown.aspx not working from Project Sites (Project Details link)

Brass Contributor



starting this morning, all Projects with a SharePoint Online Site workflow associated have started to fail when clicking on Project Details in the Project Site. The URL of the Project Details is using the Project UID and the Drilldown.aspx page:


It is happening in all our Project Online instances (31).




Does anybody know if there is any ongoing incident in the service related to SharePoint Online Site workflows? All workflows are giving unhandled error when submitted.




Thank you

5 Replies

Hello @Ximo ,

The drilldown feature works on my PWA instance, you're best to open a support case on your Microsoft 365 tenant for this issue. 

I hope you get it sorted soon


Thanks so much @Paul for confirming on the Drilldown feature.


How about the Site workflows? In our tenant, we are getting these errors when restarting, apart for the GeneralUnhadledException when submitting. Something must be broken in our tenant with the Workflow service.




Hello @Ximo ,

I'd open to separate support tickets on your Microsoft 365 tenant.


Hi @Paul, there is an advisory ongoing related to the WF service degradation, the issue we are facing.




I don't have that on my tenant so must be isolated to a few tenants currently @Ximo