Possibility to fill in holidays such as xmas?

Copper Contributor

Hi there


I licensed MS Project Plan 1 and I tried to figure out how I can capture holidays such as xmas. Because during some periods there is no one working and I want to include that into my project plan.


Is there any possibility for that? Or do I need Plan 3 with the ressource management module?


Thank you in advance for your help:)



3 Replies
best response confirmed by dschweingruber1205 (Copper Contributor)
Well thank you! That was an easy one. Maybe I should have to dig deeper next time.

Happy Easter.

Cheers, Dani

I also have a similar question, in the sense that I would like to set in the project calendar all the holidays of next 2023 in order to have project taking care of those days as not available for work.


In one of the print screens which are showed in the link suggested above ( link ) I see there is the possibility to check the option "Observe business closures". I really would like to know what is the meaning of this option and where is it possibile to set the business closures. Cause I think this is exactly what I was looking for, but I was not able to find any place where to set the business closures.


Hope the question is clear somehow.





I'll tag also @Paul_Mather 🙂 Thx.

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by dschweingruber1205 (Copper Contributor)