online MS project number of lines limitation

Copper Contributor


I have to create a project with around 1500 lignes. I seem limited with 500 lignes when using online MS project. I'm surprised by this very low limitation. I'd like to know if there is a possibility to bypass it instead of using local MS project



3 Replies

Hello @JPC92 ,

Project for the web does have a limit of 500 tasks per project: there is no way around that until Microsoft look to support more tasks.

Project Online (Project Web App) does not have such a limit - maybe that is an option?



Thank you Paul

it's quite surprising because as soon as you have to plan a significant project, you're easily this limit.

I still have the opportunity to switch to local version instead of online, hopping I won't face the same constraint.





Jean-Pierre --

I would strongly encourage you to switch to the Microsoft Project desktop application if you can. If you continue with Project for the Web, I think you will run into many other limitations as well, none of which Microsoft Project has. Just a thought. Hope this helps.