Need help with entering data in Project Online through task directly without timesheet

Copper Contributor

I am working on integrating Project Online. I have a requirement where I have to add time in task directly with the help of api and also we should NOT Configure TimeSheet for any user. 


Please, let me know or guide me how can I get successful with the requirement. 




Muhammad Usman Khan

2 Replies
mukhan1833 --

I mean no disrespect, but this requirement is absurd. Team members should be required to manually enter their time on a daily basis in the Timesheet page in PWA. How in the world would an API know how much time a team member spent on each tasks to which they are assigned each day? I think you need to strongly push back on this requirement as it makes no sense at all. Hope this helps.

Hey @Dale_HowardMVP,


Can you tell me is it possible for all cases to configure a timesheet first for every user? As I have seen we can enter data in Project Online task without configuring timesheet.

