MS Team Members View Only without Project License

Copper Contributor

We have multiple projects set up in MS Teams for collaboration and information sharing.  These projects have plans and schedules with some in MS Planner, some in P4W, and others in Project Online (PWA).  I have a few users that would need P4W licenses and a few users that would need PWA licenses.  However, I have a large group of users that do not need licenses since they don't create or manage plans and schedules.  They do however need to be able to view tasks, assignments, schedule dates and Gantt charts as information only.  All these users have Office 365 licenses.  I keep reading that Office 365 users have view only capability with Project but I can't find out how to get this set up.  Additionally, those with P4W licenses will need view only access for the PWA projects.


How do I set this up so that my Office 365 users can view only all projects???

9 Replies

@Orion231 --


I would recommend that you discuss your licensing needs with your Microsoft licensing specialist to make sure that your organization is in compliance with Microsoft licensing requirements.  Trying to get an answer about licensing in this user forum will generate only an opinion, not a firm answer.  Hope this helps.



We are in compliance with MS Licensing.  The issue is the setup around Sharepoint and Project permissions from what I can tell.  The information is so limited that there isn't a clear answer on how to set it up..  From everything I have found, Teams members that don't have project licenses are supposed to have view only access to project schedules and they don't.  So, I am not asking a question about licensing, I am asking how to sort out the conflict between Sharepoint and Project permissions and to get it set up.

Did you ever get an answer or figure it out for yourself? I am facing the same issue as I set up my environment and can't seem to find clear instructions or directions.
Orion231 --

From your description, it sounds like the Project Online users are team members in projects and not project managers. If that is the case, you will need to ask your Project Online application administrator to add them as users/resources in PWA and to assign them a Project Essentials license. This is a license that is specifically for team members in Project Online. Hope this helps.


access schedule task as SharePoint tasklist in PRoject associated site

ashokkantsharma1550 --

I do not understand your question. Please restate the question, if it even is a question. Thanks!
Hello Date,
I have a question if you could please help
In Project Online is it possible to allow user to view only some project. For example my Project center has 5 projects. I want to give user access to 2 Project so that he can see schedule as read-only. That means he gets read-only access to those 2 projects.
The Portfolio viewer permission give read-only access but to all project. My requirement is that out of 5 he can access 2 project and that too read-only.
ashokkantsharma1550 --

You would need to create a custom Group and Category for this user. In the custom Category, you will be able to select only the projects you want this user to see. When you add the custom Category to the custom Group, you will be able to set the permissions for this user to access the projects specified in the custom Category. Also, you should make sure this user is ONLY a member of the custom Group and is not a member of any other Groups. Hope this helps.