MS Project Online Conversations about tasks

Copper Contributor


I am finding this feature is not working.

I have created a project plan in Project Online. 

I open a task and try to open conversation by 'add this project to a Team', I select 'add to a Team', I select the Required Team and the Required Channel, then select 'Set up a tab' (what is a tab, by the way?). It tells me 'There are no existing projects for this team'. First problem.

So I tried another way.  I went to the Team and tried to add a Tab, again 'There are no existing projects for this team'.

So I tried uploading the ppt file to both the Sharepoint for the channel and the channel, still not available to select as a tab and not visible in Project Online.

So disappointing, everything else in Project Online is great but this conversation doesn't work.

Help please.



3 Replies

@Stefan230367 Screenshots would be helpful.  The Project app in Teams only works with Project for the Web projects, not Project Online. 

For projects in a named instance
To add an existing Project for the Web project to Teams, you'll need to assign the Team group as the Group for the project first, then go into Teams and click the Project app. A list of all Project for the Web projects that have the Team group assigned will be displayed, select one or more projects then click Save and they will be added to Teams. 

If you are using the default environment, ensure you assign the correct Teams group to the project as there is no way to change it unless you delete the group, which would be problematic
if it used for a Team.

I am having this same issue. What you say about " you'll need to assign the Team group as the Group for the project first" is this a must? I certainly did NOT do that as I created the Team after creating most of my project plan using Project for the Web. It's not a big deal but seems kind of inflexible. I didn't know about the feature until well after I had my project created. Thanks for any help.

@javon7065 I updated my post as that only applied to projects created in a named instance.  You can create a project in Teams using the Planner app which creates the project in the default environment.