MS Project does not produce the correct end dates on 5 tasks

Copper Contributor

I have 5 separate tasks which all have the same start dates, same predecessor, same duration and all are 0%, with no Constraint dates with 5 different end dates.



14 Replies
Steve --

Resource calendars? Task calendars? You are not giving us much information to troubleshoot this problem. It is more than apparent that these five tasks are not identical. Let us know and we will try to help you.

@Dale_HowardMVP There are assign resources and no resource calendar.  The task calendar is attached, but it would affect all tasks.  These tasks are not the same but do have the same start dates and when I realised that the first date in the initial screenshot was wrong, I decided to change the other to see what would happen.... 5 different end dates. What other information would you like?





Steve --

Thanks for sharing the additional screenshots, but this does not really help. Would you be be willing to send me the Project file in question so that I can look at it with my own eyes? If so, please send it to the following e-mail address:


Replace MYFIRSTNAME with my real first name and replace DOT with the period character. Let me know. Thanks!
Steve -

Thanks for sending me the project in question. The Finish date problem is caused by task splits. The only task that does not have a task split (the ... in the task's Gantt bar) is task ID #54, which has the correct Finish date of May 10, 2024. All of the other tasks have one or two task splits. Why are those task splits there? If this is an accident, you can remove the split by clicking and holding the right-hand Gantt bar portion and then dragging it to the left until the Gantt bar portions are joined together without a split. Once I removed all of the task splits, the correct Finish date was displayed for every task. Hope this helps.
Steve --

After I answered your question, I ran a batch of QA filters on the project in question, and there are multiple problems with your project. For example, you have task dependencies set on summary tasks. I would recommend you watch the following YouTube video and then download and install the quality filters I offer for free:

Hope this additional information helps.
Thanks Dale. I will have a look tomorrow and hopefully sort these issues out. Will revert if I have any other issues.
Dale, I am trying to download the mpp for QA filters. Can you send it to me?
Steve --

Go to the following web site, enter your e-mail address, and then click the Send Link button. The system will send you an e-mail message with a link to the download.

Did you try that? Let me know.
Hi Dale,

I am struggling with this. I have tried this a couple of times to no avail. The email only has links to your you tube channel and a contact me link but no links to an mpp.

Steve --

I ran an experiment with our web site and had the same problem. Could you please share your e-mail address with me and I will send you the sample file with the filters? Thanks!

MyfirstnameDOTdiaz@google's email serverDotcom

Hi Dale,

That was wrong... same prefix email address removed for privacy reasons
Steve --

I just talked to my web developer and he was able to troubleshoot and resolve the problem with the outgoing e-mail message. Would you please return to the following web site, enter your e-mail address, and then click the Send Link button. The system will send you an e-mail message with a link to the download. I tested it, and the system is now working correctly. And thanks for your persistance!
Hi Dale,

That did the trick. Thanks so much everything and I have subscribed to your channel!
