How to give "Site Members" visibility on all projects in Project Online

Copper Contributor

I believe I have the project permissions understood well. The last hurdle I can’t seem to figure out is the SharePoint permissions. When assigning the roles in project I have made the below permission groups each with the Prefix of “PUBMID –“ and their role along with a description of what each role gives. These have worked as expected giving the appropriate permissions depending on which role they were assigned.





The issue I am having with the SharePoint permissions is that when the users are not set as a “Site owner” they lose visibility on all projects. I have tried setting the permission level to “Site member” and this results in a loss of visibility on the projects. I believe if we can figure out this last piece, we will have the permissions to Project Online figured out.

3 Replies
davezisknd --

Oh, man, you are really going down the WRONG path in setting up your Project Online system. By default, a new instance of Project Online is set up in SharePoint Permissions mode. You need to change this right away to Project Permissions mode, which will give you a much simpler method for setting up security through the use of security Groups. For example, you can add all of your project managers to the default Project Managers group, and all of your team members to the default Team Members group. For people who need to see every project, which sounds like executives and business leaders, you can add them to the Portfolio Viewers group.

@Dale_HowardMVP thank you for the concern. We are going it alone so hoping to keep it simple. We’ll make the switch. Thanks again.


-Dave Z

daveziskind --

You are welcome for the help, my friend. As far as going it alone, I do not blame you for wanting to do that, to try and keep things simple as well as to save money. However, from your first post, I suspect you have discovered that setting up Project Online is not intuitive. If you are willing to spend a little bit of money, I would strongly recommend that you purchase the following book from Amazon:

I was one of the co-authors of this book, contributing about 400 pages of the total 900 pages in the book. I receive NO remuneration from the sale of this book, by the way.

It is the ONLY book ever written on how to serve as an application administrator on Project Online. If you get a copy of this book, I think it will save you time and frustration as you set up Project Online for your organization. Hope this helps.