May 12 2023 03:45 AM
I don't know if its not possible or simply it is extremely hidden but I am not able to find how to center data in Project online columns (PWA not desktop client).
Clicking on the column you can select field order and column width but what about center, left or right data alignment?. If I want my team see Tasks or Timesheet data in columns perfectly centered how could I get it?.
Thanks in advance for your attention.
May 12 2023 04:23 AM
SolutionMay 12 2023 04:27 AM
Apr 26 2024 10:39 AM
With CSS and with the table ID, I could center the 5th colum in Project Center using this:
#ctl00_ctl00_ctl32_g_a5afc583_fc7b_4928_b0d7_3448b4c5c719_ProjectCenterJSGridControl_leftpane_mainTable tr td:first-child + td + td + td + td
text-align: center !important;
font-size: 14px !important;
May 12 2023 04:23 AM