How do I bulk modify priority for multiple tasks simultaneously?


How do I enter similar task information for multiple tasks simultaneously? I tried following these instructions on the MS support site, but the task information didn't get updated with the new information I entered.


I'm using Microsoft® Project® Online Desktop Client MSO (Version 2211 Build 16.0.15831.20098) 64-bit on Windows 11 (version 22H2).


Here is a recording of my steps using the Steps Recorder app in Windows:


Screenshot 2022-11-27 065752.png

Screenshot 2022-11-27 062450.png

7 Replies


I've never used the multiple task information method but I did try it on a test file and it works fine. I'm using Project 2019 Pro under Windows 10.


You show a series of screen shots with the last one supposedly showing no update, but the Priority field is not shown in the screen shot so I have to question, how do you know the update didn't "take"? For reference, the default value of the Priority field is 500 so if you "set" the tasks to that value you wouldn't know it.



Thanks @John-project for the quick reply.


If you compare the columns in the 1st step's snapshot with the 4th step's snapshot, you can see that the 6th column is the priority value and it is unchanged.


That's interesting that it works for you but not for me.  I wonder if it has something to do with the different version I'm using.

Sorry, I didn't see the Priority field in your screen shots. My eyes ain't what they used to be 😞

It could very well be due the 22H2 update, I recently saw another post (unrelated issue) where the user had the 22H2 update. Since you're using Project Online I don't think you can "back out" of the update but perhaps colleagues Paul or Dale have more insight on that update and will check in to this thread.



Thanks, @John-project.


I'd like to just clarify that I'm using an "on-premises" version of MS Project (meaning it's installed on my computer and I don't have to log into a website).


In my version 2210 in Spanish, I don't have problems, in principle, to introduce the priority in multiple tasks, and I never had it. Perhaps there is a task scheduling conflict in the project.


It must be taken into account that in the case at hand, and in which its configuration cannot be seen in its entirety, the tasks are periodic (a certain date is sought), they have an assigned task calendar, and in addition you want to apply a specific priority value. All of this, assuming that the priority serves, among other things, to redistribute (delay scheduled dates), in order to resolve resource over-allocation conflicts.


Remember that 1000 is the highest priority, and that it means freezing the task in terms of its dates, without being affected by the redistribution of resources.


Also, by default, and for some reason that I don't know yet, the priority that repeating type tasks have when they are created is 1000 instead of 500.


In short, I think that more than an error, it is about discovering:

1. The configuration of options and other data of the project in question.
2. The criteria applied by Microsoft in this complex situation.
3. What the user wants to get as a result of at least three constraints in the task.



Ignacio Martin

1. The configuration of options and other data of the project in question: The Standard calendar is assigned to the task and it has a "Start No Earlier Than" constraint since it's a recurring task.
2. The criteria applied by Microsoft in this complex situation: I'm not knowledgeable enough to answer this one.
3. What the user wants to get as a result of at least three constraints in the task: I'd like to have recurring tasks that symbolize an on-going task that should be worked on little-by-little every week. I'd like to have the priority be less than 1000 so that it can be rescheduled if there is a conflict.

Thank you for letting us know that version 2210 (Spanish) is able to bulk modify tasks. I'm using version 2211. I wonder if this problem is only seen in version 2211.

I don't think any task conflict can prevent modifying of priority. Let me know if there is.
Rest assured, task "conflicts" have nothing to do with priority.

Reading your last post prompted me to take a look at your plan again and I didn't notice what you have set up is a recurring task. I wondered if for some reason that made a difference but it does not, priority is still independent of all other task parameters. However, here is a suggestion. Instead of trying to do the bulk modification through the Task Information window, why not set the first recurring task priority at 500 and then do a selectall on the Priority field for all other tasks in the recurring set. A single fill down will set the priority of all the other tasks in that group.
