How Create/Add Custom imageMSO Icons to MSProject via VBA

Copper Contributor

Hi Forum!
I wish to create custom icons for MS Project 2016 to add to my custom tabs.
In MS Project 2016, I created XML in a VBA that automatically creates custom tabs via the "Auto_Open" named macro. That works perfectly. However, I can only use standard imageMso icons. I wish to create new, custom icon images.
In the past, I have used the CustomUIEditor.exe to insert icons for Excel, yet this does not work for MS Project. From what I see, that tool is good for Excel, Word and PowerPoint only.
From my internet search, I have not identified a method/way to create, store and add custom icon images to an MS Project custom tab. Thus far, I am OK at writing VBA macros, creating custom tabs, and using standard imageMso icons. Yet, I am not a "trained" MS Developer in VBA or XML and could use an assist in this area.
Many thanks in advance!

2 Replies
AAustinPM --

To the best of my knowledge, there is no method for adding custom icons to Microsoft Project. Sorry, but hope this helps.
Hi Dale!
Thank you for your reply. That was what I was thinking after my failed internet research.