Copying a Project for the Web project

Brass Contributor

Is there a way to save a project as a template where it saves all the "Assigned To" and "Depends On" fields?

5 Replies

Hello @BrianNeil3377 ,

The Copy project feature does copy Depends On data. Assigned To is not copied and there is no way today to do this our of the box. You could look to build this if needed using the schedule API 


Project Online is so feature/functionality rich compared to Project for the Web, yet as I understand it, Project Online will be sunset at some time in the future and only Project for the Web will receive new functionality updates. Does MS offer a roadmap for new functionality? P4tW barely compares to the functionality in Project Online. I'm really hoping they add additional functionality sooner than later

Hello @BrianNeil3377 ,

Project Online is a very mature product and has been around for many many years. Project for the web is still fairly new - here is the public roadmap: 


Has MS confirmed they will not be adding any new functionality to Online, only to Project4tWeb? The functionality gap between Online and P4tW is dramatic

Hello @BrianNeil3377 ,

Project for the web is getting the investment from Microsoft.
