May 01 2022 02:58 AM
Hi all,
I have been able to convert [Duration] to hours with the formula:
ProjDurConv([Duration], pjhours)
And I am displaying correctly the new column (Duration Hours):
I am trying to do the same with Actual Duration but unfortunately there must be something I am missing. Project Plan has been published, checked in, etc. The formula is the same but using the [Actual Duration]:
ProjDurConv([Actual Duration], pjhours)
What am I missing?
May 01 2022 08:30 AM
There is nothing wrong with your formula. This is what I get with Project 2019 Pro with:
Text3=ProjDurConv([Actual Duration],pjHours)
I suspect the issue has to do with check in and publishing, or it's possible your file has some corruption. You might try saving the file as XML and then re-open the XML in Project.
May 01 2022 09:15 AM - edited May 01 2022 10:10 AM
Thank you @John-project, I see that you are using Task2 and Task3 fields as Text type, in my case the column Actual Duration Hours was type Duration because later on I was trying to use this field in the time phased datasets in the Project Online PBI Content Pack.
If I use the type Text it works but would a text type custom field work in the time phased datasets?
Thank you
May 01 2022 10:25 AM
May 01 2022 10:52 AM
May 01 2022 11:29 AM
May 01 2022 11:46 AM
Thank you @John-project,
the PM wants to define a Task with a Start, Finish and Duration, this means that the Resource assigned will have that timeframe to complete the task.
Then as in this environment resources are not fully dedicated to projects, the PM will enter the number of hours that the task actually will take so the Resource will have that timeframe (for instance 5 days) to complete a task that is done in 2h.
So Resource Hours are the number of hours that the Resource will actually use to complete the task within the provided duration.
For instance, in the Project Initiation Document production task there are 5 days to complete the task, the PM says the task is done in 5h (Resource Hours: 0.63d) and when updated to 50% complete, the Remaining Resource Hours are updated to 0.3125d, 2,5h keeping original duration, start and finish untouched.
On top of this, the user asked to keep track of all these Resource Hours and Remaining Resource Hours in the Project Online PBI Content Pack in dashboards like Resource Assignments, Resource Availability and so on. But I am guessing now that this is not going to be possible.
May 01 2022 12:43 PM
SolutionMay 01 2022 01:20 PM
May 01 2022 01:46 PM
May 01 2022 12:43 PM