Project Server 2013: Where is the April 2013 Cumulative Update Rollup package?
Published Mar 06 2019 09:10 PM 274 Views
Brass Contributor
First published on TECHNET on May 17, 2013

*** Update 5/17/2013 - That update was a little too quick and totally wrong...  Thanks to Tony Blackburn of QuantumPM for putting me straight.  The rollup package was released and is available at The note below should have been targeted at the April 2013 MSO updates and not SharePoint Server.  Sorry for the false alarm and confusion everyone! ***

Quick update – I mentioned in the original April CU release e-mail - that there was a delay in the rollup package for Project Server 2013 which includes the Sharepoint Server fixes – and delay got to a point where the decision was taken to NOT release the SharePoint package for April (and therefore also not release a rollup) but hold off for the June 2013 Cumulative Update.  If you are waiting for a Project Server fix then no problem – we already released the April CU just for Project Server – 2760261 , but if you want the rollup then you should wait until June.  If you are waiting for a specific SharePoint fix that was due in April then I suggest you talk with your SharePoint support contact about getting these earlier than June.

Version history
Last update:
‎Mar 06 2019 01:10 PM
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