This page lists all of the released Cumulative Updates (CU) and Service Packs (SP) for Microsoft Project 2013, both Standard and Professional, from RTM to the end of 2015. From February 2015 onwards all fixes are shipped in Public Updates (PU). From March 2015 client updates available via Windows Update and Download Center, server updates only via Download Center. From April 2016 the Office client updates are shipped 1st Tuesday. The October 2016 client updates were released on the 2nd Tuesday. From April 2015 onwards all fixes require SP1 as a prerequisite. They are listed in reverse date order - newest at the top. Each of these packages is cumulative, including all the previous fixes back to the last baseline (either the initial release or a Service Pack). I have also recorded the version you will see in the File, Account, About Microsoft Project link Project 2013. If you are running a click to run installation - such as Project for Office 365 see for details of the update schedules - but the version numbers and fixes should be roughly in line with the CU releases below.
December 2015 15.0.4779.1000
- Assume that you have an MPP file that is created by using the Project server Save for Sharing feature, and you are now saving it back to the server. In this case, the status manager property on each task and the project owner may change unexpectedly to be the person who is saving the file to the server.
- In some cases, when you save a project to Project Server, you receive a 9000 error code.
- When you import timephased data by using XML files in Project 2013, the <WorkContour> tags are ignored. This issue occurs when the timephased actual work values exist but the remaining work timephased values are not complete in the XML file.
- When you try to unlink a subproject from a master project that has a custom field with a lookup table defined, Project 2013 crashes. This issue occurs if the subproject doesn't have the same lookup table definition as in the master project but the custom field has values.
- When you open an XML file in Project 2013, only the last row of the resource availability lines is displayed.
- When you try to open a large project in Project 2013, you receive the following error message:
This operation cannot be completed because the source file contains invalid project data or the total number of rows would exceed the limit of 1,048,000 rows in a project. Validate the data in the source file, insert fewer rows, delete some rows, or consider dividing your project into subprojects to provide more space for tasks and resources.
- When you use the UpdateResources Project Server Interface (PSI) method to change a resource, security groups that are assigned to the resource and the claims account information about the resource may be lost.
- It takes a long time to open an XML file and create a new project in Project 2013.
- When you view the physical "% complete" field on an inserted project summary task in a master project, the value doesn't always reflect the same value on the project summary task in the sub project. In addition, if you open the master project and the sub project isn't in memory, the physical "% value" is displayed as "0%."
November 2015 15.0.4771.1000
- After you apply status updates to project schedules, the actual work contours on some assignments unexpectedly display zero actual work values in various time periods.
- Assume that you display the Hyperlink field in Project Professional. On a task, you enter an address in the Hyperlink field to a document that's stored on a SharePoint site, and then you click the link. Sometimes in this situation, the document doesn't open, and you're redirected to the root site where the document is stored.
- Assume that you have a summary task that contains one or more subtasks. Then, you make the summary task become a non-summary task (either by outdenting all subtasks or by deleting all subtasks). In this scenario,the internal property on the task that specifies the duration format (minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months) may not get set correctly. Therefore, when you publish the project, the reporting data is inaccurate, and the duration of the given task isn't correct.
- When you use an auto filter on a text type field (such as the task name) and the values in the field are many and varied, Project 2013 may crash.
- In some cases, a task's % Complete displays 99% even though the % Work Complete on all the assignments on the task shows 100%.
- Saving to a SharePoint task list from Project Professional 2013 may fail when there's both an enterprise resource and a user account on the Project server that share the same name.
- When you save a project back to a server, you receive the following error message:
Project Web App was unable to find the specified resource.
- After you import and merge data from an external source (for example, from an Excel workbook), only the first assignment on the task is updated.
Additionally, this security update also includes the fixes for the issues that are described in this following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:
- 3101502 November 10, 2015, update for Project Server 2013
October 2015 15.0.4763.1000
- After status updates are accepted and applied to tasks in a project, the total actual work on the assignments may become larger, and the new actual work appears in time periods where the user didn't report it. For example, you report 8h on Monday and 3h on Tuesday. When you view the assignment in the project after the update is applied, besides the 8h on Monday and 3h on Tuesday, you may also see 8h on Thursday and Friday.
- After you level resources by using the week-by-week or month-by-month basis in Project 2013, the resources remain overallocated.
- When you force check in a project on a Project 2013 server, the project is still displayed as checked out in Project Professional. If you try to open and edit it in Project Professional, you receive an error message that states that the file in the local cache is damaged.
- When you open and then save a project file to a Project server, the task finish date and duration are changed. This issue occurs if the assignment finish date doesn't match the task finish date. This can be the case with fixed duration tasks.
- When you use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros to edit project data within the Project.BeforeSave event handler, the edits to the project may not be saved if the project is saved to Project Server.
- When you start a task before the project start date, certain time scale labels in a Gantt view such as those that work from a project's start (for example, the "W1, W2, W3, W4… (From Start)" label) show the week starting at the beginning of the task instead of at the beginning of the project.
- In some cases, the font control shown on the Tasks tab in the ribbon within the Font group is empty and the font size is 0. When you try to select a font or size, Project 2013 may crash.
- After you use the Replace button on the Assign Resource dialog to switch one resource for another, the new assignment keeps all the custom properties of the old assignment. For example, if the old assignment contains values in custom fields or baselines and other such properties, the new assignment will have these same values.
- When you try to import and merge to an existing project in Project 2013, Project 2013 may crash and the task outline in the project may be damaged. This issue occurs after you have September 8, 2015, update for Project 2013 (KB3085510) installed.
- When you try to import certain XML files in Project 2013, Project 2013 may crash.
September 2015 15.0.4753.1000
- Enables single sign-on (SSO) for ADAL on cloud domain-joined computers. On cloud domain-joined computer that has Modern Authentication enabled, domain accounts seem to be logged in but can't open files.
- When Project 2013 is running in the background, the Auto Save feature that has the Prompt before saving option enabled causes the processor to be fully allocated.
- When you open an .xml file to create a project in Project 2013, it takes longer than merging the data into an existing or blank project.
- When you try to import an Excel workbook into a project in Project 2013, some assignment information is lost.
- When you reduce the work of a fixed work task while editing in Project in the schedule web part, the duration of the task may be reduced unexpectedly.
- When you open an Excel workbook in Project 2013, not all actual works are imported for resources for tasks.
- When you apply actual work to a project in Project 2013, the actual work may be applied to an incorrect resource. This issue may occur when one resource is exchanged for another while you're using the Assign Resources dialog box and a status update is pending.
- When you open a SharePoint task list in Project 2013 and close it without saving, the %Complete fields of tasks are updated to incorrect values.
- When you assign a resource on the Resources tab of the Task Information dialog box to a task in Project 2013, the Units value of the resource is always set to 100% even if another value is entered.
- You can't remove remaining work from a manually scheduled task in Project 2013 when the task is published to Project Server, and when the Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets task settings and display options are enabled.
- After you change a custom field on a project detail page, the milestone flag on a task is reset to Yes unexpectedly.
- When you use a task template that has cost resources assigned to create a project in Project Web App and then you open the project in Project 2013, Project 2013 crashes.
- When you try to update budget costs on resources in Project 2013, Project 2013 may crash.
- When you try to save a project to Project Server or you try to view the project properties of the project, Project 2013 may crash if some project level custom fields type is number.
- When Project Professional 2013 attempts to save a project to a Project server right after the first failure, Project 2013 may crash.
- When you try to save a project from an earlier version of Project Server, you receive the following error message:
Error 9000 Save job cancelled in the queue: Root element is missing.
August 2015 15.0.4745.1000
- When you create a visual report that is based on task usage data in Project 2013 and set the level of usage data option to weeks, you may receive the following error message:
Unknown error has occurred. An error occurred and the requested action could not be completed at this time.This is not a valid file name. File names must be less than 255 characters and they cannot contain any of the following characters: \ " / ; ? < > |
- If a subproject in a master project has a baseline date that is earlier than its start date while the master project does not have a baseline set for the task that represents the subproject, you may be unable to create a visual report for the master project in Project 2013. Instead, you receive the following error message:
An unknown error has occurred. An error occurred and the requested action could not be completed at this time.
- When you use Project 2013 to open a project that is saved in Project Web App, the start date and the end date of a task is reset to the constraint date instead of the dates that are scheduled according to the associated summary task. This issue occurs if you set the Calculate project after each edit option to Off.
- When you try to synchronize tasks with a SharePoint task list in Project 2013, Project 2013 crashes.
- Consider the following scenario:If you save a project as an .xml file, custom calendar information may not be saved. Therefore, when you open the .xml file, the calendar information is not found.
- You use Project 2013 to open a project file (.mpp) from a SharePoint document library.
- You Save the file to a nondefault file format such as .txt, csv, or xlsx.
- You keep the MPP file open.
- You make some changes to the project, and then save it.
- When you open an XML project file in Project 2013, a milestone task that is marked as completed may incorrectly be set to 99%.
- When you set a baseline for a project in Project 2013, if a cost resource is assigned to a milestone task, the sum of the timephased cost for that assignment is displayed incorrectly as the assignment remaining cost.
July 2015 15.0.4737.1001
- Assume that a project has a fixed work task, and a resource assignment on the task has a delay. In this situation, an unexpected trailing zero actual work contour may be created on a resource assignment on the task.
- When you roll up baseline values from selected tasks into all summary tasks, the time-phased baseline work and cost values may be incorrect. For example, suppose that over a series of days, the time-phased baseline work values on the summary task are 4h, 2h, 8h, 0h, and 2.5h. After you save the baseline, the values may change to something like 4h, 4.13h, 4.13h, 4.13h, and 4.13h.
- When you scroll through a project in the Gantt Chart view in Project 2013, the Gantt chart might not be displayed correctly until you press F9 to recalculate the schedule.
- When you scroll to different resources in the Assign Resource dialog box in order to select those that you want to assign to a task, an incorrect resource may be assigned as soon as you click the Assign button. Also, dragging and dropping resources from the Assign Resources dialog box to tasks in the project does not work.
- After you change a task's schedule mode from automatic to manual or vice versa, the actual work of the task is changed unexpectedly. For example, you may have actual work that resembles the following:
5, 2, 2, 1, 0, -, 9, 9, 3, 9After you change the task mode, the actual work is changed to the following:4.45, 2.33, 2, 1.12, 0.12, -, 8, 9, 3.67, 8.33, 1
- When you apply view grouping on tasks by using a field that has lookup table values, incorrect labels are displayed for the grouping summary rows.
- When you recalculate a Project 2007 based project in Project 2013, milestone tasks may have unexpected schedule and progress changes. For example, the progress is reduced from 100% to 99%.
- When you try to create a visual report on a master project that contains a project summary task, you receive the following error message if the project summary task does not have a matching baseline:
An error occurred and the requested action could not be completed at this time.
- When you edit a custom flag field for an enterprise resource in Project 2013 Professional, the changes are not saved as expected.
- After you set the Site creation settings value to Do not create a site on the Project Site Provisioning Settings page, the Publish Project dialog box is still displayed when you publish a project.
- Consider the following scenario:.
- You add a local resource to a project.
- You save the project to a Project server.
- You add an enterprise resource to the server that has exactly the same name as the local resource in the project.
- You open the project, make some changes and then save the project.
- When you assign a resource to a task in the Task Information dialog box in Project 2013, the resource assignment unit may be incorrect if the Resource Availability for that resource is changed
- When you synchronize a project to a SharePoint task list and map a custom field, the save operation is slow.
June 2015 15.0.4727.1000
- When you use the Update Project function, it may incorrectly apply progress to inactive tasks. As soon as this occurs, the inactive tasks are no longer activated.
- When Project Professional 2013 opens a Project Server-based project from the local cache, Project Professional 2013 crashes.
- You cannot assign a resource in Project Professional 2013 if the resource name contains a semicolon and if the semicolon is set as the list separator on the client computer.
- When you print a project that contains tasks, resources or assignments that have multiline notes, Project 2013 crashes. This issue occurs if the Print notes option in the Page Setup dialog box is selected.
- When tasks have resource assignments, and the assignments on the task do not share the same start date as the task, resource leveling does not level resources as expected.
- After you set the Week starts on field to a value other than Sunday, calendar nonworking time exceptions are highlighted incorrectly in usage type views.
- When you import resource data from an Excel, TXT, or CSV format file in Project 2013, the resource is not imported successfully. Instead, you see an error that resembles the following:
The file "<file name>." cannot be opened. * Check that the file name and path are correct. * Check that the file format is recognized by Project.Additionally, when you edit a data map, you may see a message that resembles the following if you try to add a field on the Map Optionspage of the Import Wizard:The field "<characters listed here>" does not exist.
- When you save a project in Project Professional or Project Web App, custom field values are lost.Note This issue occurs after you apply the March 10, 2015 update for Project Server 2013 (KB2956178).
- When you open a project in Project Professional, you find that local custom fields are copied from the enterprise global template into your project. The enterprise global should not have local custom fields in it, and these fields should not be copied to individual projects. This fix prevents these fields from being incorrectly copied into your project and overwriting local custom fields that you may have already defined.
May 2015 15.0.4719.1000
- When you apply actual work to a project in Project 2013, the actual work may be applied to an incorrect resource. This issue may occur when one resource is exchanged for another while a status update is pending.
- When you edit a cell through the entry bar for a project in Project 2013, the cell is displayed as solid black and you cannot see the cell value.
- When you export an XML file and then import it to a new project in Project 2013, the work and the actual work time-phased values may be incorrect.
- When you publish a project to a project server that contains an updated status manager on a task, the status manager name is not updated in the reporting database on the server.
- When you browse to the Project Center and then click to open a project in Project Professional, the wrong profile may be used and the URL information in the profile is overwritten with the wrong details. This issue occurs most frequently when you have multiple URLs that point to the same physical Project Web App (PWA) instance, and you have different profile in Project Professional for each URL.
- When you try to save enterprise resources where there is an enterprise custom field originally created in Project 2003, the changes are not saved.
- When you open a series of projects that have cross-project dependencies in Project 2013, Project may crash.
April 2015 15.0.4709.1000 This article describes update KB2965279 for Microsoft Project 2013 that was released on April 14, 2015. This update has a prerequisite. Please be aware that the update in Download Center applies to Microsoft Installer (.msi)-based edition of Office 2013. It does not apply to the Office 2013 Click-to-Run editions such as Microsoft Office 365 Home. (How to determine?).
Improvements and Fixes
- When you open a project document from a SharePoint Server 2013 document library, the document is opened in read-only mode, and you cannot change the option to edit the document.
- Some fields such as the % Comp. and the Date fields are not displayed in the Links Between Projects dialog box in Project 2013.
- When you use the week-by-week basis to level resources for a project in Project 2013, Project 2013 may stop responding.
- When you make some changes to a project in a form view such as the Task Form view in Project 2013, the unsaved changes may be lost. This issue occurs if Project 2013 is integrated with Microsoft Lync and your status is changed in Lync.Note To disable the Lync integration, follow the steps in the "Registry Information" section after you apply the update.
- When you merge the data of an .xml file into a project in Project 2013, levelling delays of all tasks are reset unexpectedly. Additionally, the total task work may be increased in some cases.
- You cannot complete a task that has milestone assignments (assignments that contain zero work) and in which the Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets option is enabled in the Task Settings and Display dialog box in Project Web App.
- When you use Project 2013 to publish a project and the Do not create a site option is enabled, Project 2013 continuously requests data from the server about the nonexistent site.
March 2015 15.0.4701.1000
- When you set a baseline for a sub-project in Project 2013, the baseline data may be incorrect.
- When you try to resource level a project in Project 2013, Project may stop responding.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You set the Decimal symbol to be a comma in Windows Region Settings.
- You set Show assignments units as a to be a Decimal in Project 2013.
- You set a non-integer value in the Units column of the Assign Resources dialog box.
- You check the Units value in the Task Information dialog box.
February 2015 (Now Public Updates) 15.0.4693.1000
- Assume that you open and edit a project from Project Server in Project Professional 2013, and the Protected Actuals feature is enabled. When you select a task in the project, and then click Move -> Incomplete Part to Status Date, the task schedule does not change as expected.
- Consider the following scenario:When you update a project by using a Project Server Interface (PSI) application, the values in the Leveling Delay fields may be lost.
- You create an Enterprise project in Project Professional 2013, and then you add a formula to a local custom field.
- You save and publish the project to Project Server. Then, you open and save the project in Project Web App.
- Assume that you save a baseline for a project, and then you save the project as a XML Format (*.xml) file. When you open the file and select the As a new project option, then view the timephased baseline work, the values are lost.
- Project 2013 may crash in the following scenarios when Lync 2013 or 2010 is running:Assume that you open a project in Project Professional 2013 on a computer where one of the installed Office 2013 editing languages is Hebrew or Arabic. In this situation, some fields such as resource names, predecessors, and successors may only display part of what it should be. For example, the Resource Names field should display "Resource1" but instead shows "Resour".
- When you perform actions such as opening projects.
- When you move the mouse pointer over fields such as resource names.
- Project may crash after you install the October 2014 cumulative update for Project 2013.
- Consider the following scenario:When you apply the Task Path feature to a project that contains many predecessors or successors in Project 2013, Project may stop responding and even crash.
- You have a project that contains more than two enterprise resources.
- You open the project in Project Professional 2013.
- You change the list separator so that the client's and the server's characters are different.
- You open the Assign Resources dialog box by clicking the Assign Resources button in the Resource tab.
- You select more than one enterprise resource.
- When you assign more than two resources that all contain long names to a task, the names of the resources are displayed incorrectly.
- Assume that you select more than 40 items from a multiple value lookup table on an enterprise custom field. Then, you save the project. When you open the project in Project Professional 2013, the items that you selected are missing.
December 2014 15.0.4675.1000
- When you move assignments around in the Team Planner in Project 2013, Project may stop responding or crash.
- Assume that the Youdao Dictionary application is running. When you copy information or perform actions like resizing columns, task GUIDs are renumbered with the result that task dependencies no longer connect properly.
- Consider the following scenario:
- On a Project Server, you have at least two user accounts defined by using the following properties:
- Both have the same name.
- One is defined that the User can be assigned as a resource check box is selected and the other is not.
- You start Project 2013 and connect to Project Server.
- You add an enterprise resource to a project and you save it.
- You make some changes in the project and try to save the changes.
- On a Project Server, you have at least two user accounts defined by using the following properties:
- Consider the following scenario:Assume that you open and edit a project from Project Server in Project Professional 2013, and the Protected Actuals feature is enabled. You try to change an assignment's time-phased work (remaining work) values. In this situation, you receive the "Your action may result in actuals in this project becoming out of sync with the actuals updated from timesheets" message.
- You create a task that contains a long name in a project in Project 2013.
- In another project, you create a task dependency to the task with the long name.
- You review the relationship information by clicking the Links Between Projects button in the Project tab.
- Assume that you have at least two Project Web App (PWA) sites, and you have different profiles in Project Professional for each sites. In this situation, when you browse to the Project Center and then click to open a project in Project Professional, the wrong profile may be used and information in the profile is overwritten with the wrong details.
November 2014 15.0.4667.1000
- Assume that you have previously opened a given project from Project Web App (PWA) into Project Professional 2013. Then, you start Project Professional 2013, you click File, and you click Open. When you select the project in the Recent Projects list, Project 2013 may crash.
- When you run a macro that executes the Calendar.Reset method in Project 2013, Project may crash.
- When you open a .mpp file that is created from an earlier version of Project in Project 2013, Project 2013 may stop responding.
- Assume that you open a .mpp file that is created from an earlier version of Project in Project 2013, and that the "Save files in this format" option is set to the same version as the .mpp file that you are opening. When you try to save the .mpp file, Microsoft Project 2013 asks whether you want to save the project to the Project 2013 MPP format, which is unnecessary.
- When you run a custom report that uses parameter queries to filter results it may take a long time for the report to display. You may also notice that Project consumes a large amount of memory and the size of the file grows significantly.
- Assume that you apply a custom date based interactive filter to a view in a project in Project 2013. Then, you switch to a different view. When you change back to the original view, the Date/Time Picker control associated with the interactive filter may not work.
- Assume that you have a project that has a budget resource assigned to the project summary task. When you view the project in Project Center within Project Web App, the Gantt bar does not correctly display the progress status of the project.
- If you start Project 2013 and try to connect to Project Server before you log on to Project Web App (PWA), Project may crash.
- Assume that you create a text enterprise custom field that contains a lookup table in Project Web App. When you use the text enterprise custom field to apply a grouping to an enterprise view in the enterprise global template in Project 2013, Project 2013 crashes and then restarts.
- When you print a note of a task, and the note spans a page break, the remaining part of the note after the break is missing in Project 2013.
October 2014 15.0.4659.1001
- Project 2013 may crash in the following scenarios when Lync 2013 or 2010 is running:
- When you perform actions such as opening projects.
- When you move the mouse pointer over the fields such as resource names.
- Consider the following scenarios:Consider the following scenario:
- You create a lookup table in Project Web App (PWA), and the lookup table contains multiple values. The total length of the values exceeds 255 characters.
- You create a custom field that uses the lookup table, and you set the option that requires information in this field.
- You create a project in PWA for the custom field, you select multiple lookup table values so that the total length exceeds 255 characters.
- You save, check in, and close the project.
- You open the project in Project Professional.
- You make a change in the project and then save it.
Project cannot save the project to Project Web App. You must first specify values for all required project fields. These fields are indicated with an asterisk in the Project Information dialog box, available from the Project tab.- You have multiple resources defined in the server, and the combined length of the names exceeds 255 characters.
- You open the Project Center in PWA, open a project, select the Schedule project detail page, and then you click the Edit button.
- You open the Resource Names field for a task and select multiple resources. The total length of the names exceeds 255 characters.
- You save and then close the project.
- You open the project and then view the resources assigned to the task.
- You add an outline code field to a project, and you enter a value in the field, and then you save the project as a XML Format (*.xml) file.
- You open the file and select the As a new project option, and then you add the outline code field.
In this scenario, the value of the outline code field is lost.
September 2014 15.0.4649.1000
- Consider the following scenario:Assume that you add a task, resource or assignment note that contains many lines of text. When you print the project, you select the Print notes check box on the View tab of Page Setup. In this situation, the last line of the note may not be printed.
- You create a project plan, and assign a Work value to a task.
- You do not assign any resources to the task.
- You publish the project plan to a Project Server 2013 server where the Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets option is enabled on the Task Settings and Display page in Project Web App.
- Consider the following scenario:Views, tables, filters and groups that are added to Enterprise Global do not save the Show in Menu option correctly. Therefore, this option is always enabled.
- You install the April 2014 cumulative update for Project Server 2013.
- You do not set the Open Project Template global permission on the Add or Edit Group page in Project Web App.
August 2014 15.0.4641.1000
- When you use VBA UserForms and controls in Project 2013, you may experience one of the following issues:When you input double-byte characters (for example, Japanese or Chinese characters) in a text box in a report page in Project 2013, the characters are duplicated.
- You may receive the following error message:
System error &H80070057 (-2147024809). The parameter is incorrect.
- Project 2013 may crash.
- You may receive the following error message:
- Assume that you insert a task after an empty row in an enterprise project. When you publish the project to a Project server, the time-phased work may be incorrect.
- You cannot change the values in the Physical % Complete column when the Protected Actuals feature is enabled.
- Consider the following scenario:Assume that you start Project 2013 to open a project that has an expanded subproject. When you update time-phased data in the Work field in Resource Usage view, the operation may fail, or Project 2013 may crash.
- You create an Enterprise custom field that refers to a lookup table.
- You insert the Enterprise custom field to a project.
- You create a new project and you insert the first project as a subproject.
- You unlink the subproject from its source project.
- Assume that you create a Group by and the Group assignments, not tasks option is enabled. The time-phased baseline cost values for cost and material resources may not rollup to the grouping row in Task Usage and Resources Usage views.
- Assume that you enable the Move end of completed parts after status date back to status date advanced scheduling feature in Project 2013. When you try to update the value in the % Work Complete field or in the Actual Work field, Project may crash.
- Assume that you use Save As to save a project file with a new name in Project 2013, and then you close the file. When you reopen the new file, the value of time-phased actual work has been changed unexpectedly.
- Assume that you open a project from Project Server in Project Professional 2013, and the project contains an enterprise project type custom duration field. Values that you enter into the field may be saved incorrectly. For example, you enter the value "5d", and then you click to save and close the project. When you reopen the project, you find that the value is "0d".
- Assume that you open and edit a project from Project Server in Project Professional 2013, and the Protected Actuals feature is enabled. You try to change an assignment's start, finish and remaining work values. In this situation, you receive the "Your action may result in actuals in this project becoming out of sync with the actuals updated from timesheets" message.
July 2014 15.0.4629.1000
- Assume that you use somelocal custom fields that contain some lookup tables in a project in Project 2013. Then, you save the project to Project Server. Later, you delete the project from the cache. When you open the project and save the project again, the lookup tables may be corrupted and you receivean error message that resembles the following:
The following job failed to complete Jog Type: Save Error ID: 9000(0x2328) ErrorMicrosoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.WinProjUtility.WinProjException: LookupTableItemInvalidLookupTable for lookup table value.
- When you use Project 2013 to open a Microsoft SharePoint task list, you receive email message notifications unexpectedly.
- When you open a project that contains multiple baselines, the time-phased baseline cost for tasks or assignments is displayed incorrectly. For example, when you check the time-phased Baseline1 cost values, they display the values for the time-phased Baseline cost instead.
- When the ProjectBeforeAssignmentChange event is raised, the Assg.Index property returns -1 instead of the correct value. For example, this issue occurs when you add a new resourceto a task.
June 2014 15.0.4623.1000
- You cannot resize or scroll the list on the Manage Deliverables window in Project 2013. Therefore, when you have many deliverables in the list, not all are visible.
- Assume that you check the Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheetsoption in the Project Web App. When you open a project in Project 2013, you may be unable to indent the tasks. Additionally, you may receive an error message that resembles the following:
Change would modify work entered by a team member. We can't make that change because Project Web App is set to only allow actual work to be entered by team members through Timesheets or My Work.
- When you try to open a project that contains Summary Resource Assignments (SRA) in Project 2013, you may experience slow performance. This issue occurs when the SRA has work where the resources do not have working time.
- Assume that you open a project in Project 2013 from a Project server. Then you click File > Share > Email > Send as Attachment or File > Save As to save it as another file. In this situation, when you try to save the project to the server, the save operation may fail silently. As a result, the Resource Assignments are deleted.
- You may be able to change actual work values by using Project Professional 2013, even though the administrator turns on the Only allow task updates via task and timesheets option.
April 2014 15.0.4605.1000
- Enterprise project templates are not sorted alphabetically in Project Professional 2013 making it difficult to find a specific template if you have a large amount.
- When you try to print a file that has grouping applied with the Maintain hierarchy option enabled, Project 2013 crashes.
- If you use a split view with the usage view on the bottom in a project, Project 2013 may crash.
- When you use Project 2013 on a high DPI device, dropdowns in dialog boxes may not be drawn correctly.
- When you create a security category, category rule is ignored that results in incorrect effective permissions.
- When you try to level resources in some projects that contain combinations of task constraints, Project may crash.
- When you run a macro that uses the DeliverableUpdate method, the time component of the deliverable start date and finish date is not updated correctly. For example, if the deliverable start date and time is March 31, 2014 10:00 AM, the deliverable start date is updated instead to March 31, 2014 12:00 AM.
- You cannot reference assignments with a unique ID as returned by the object model. Additionally, you receive the following error message:
Run-time error '1101'. The argument value is not valid
- When you log on to a Project Server that uses Project Professional, it may take longer than expected if the server has many lookup tables and defined values.
- Assume that you add some users to a project and the project is published. After the user synchronization process is complete, not all the users are added to the project’s SharePoint site in the given SharePoint security group as expected.
- When you group assignments in usage views in Project 2013, grouping row labels do not always appear and assignments may appear in an incorrect grouping.
- When you link tasks between projects and use a combination of auto-scheduled tasks and manually scheduled tasks, the start date of the auto-scheduled tasks can be calculated incorrectly.
February 2014 - Microsoft Project 2013 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
No cumulative Update in February as the Service Pack was released. The Server service pack was re-released in April, this did not affect the client SP1. 15.0.4569.1000
32 bit -
64 bit -
List of SP1 fixes -
December 2013 15.0.4551.1507 (KB references 15.0.4551.1508)
- After you configure the Fit to: option on the Page tab in the Page Setup dialog box in Project 2013, bars and text may be clipped vertically.
October 2013 15.0.4551.1001
- Assume that a project contains a local resource whose name is the same as an enterprise resource. Additionally, the local resource is assigned to a task that is incomplete and a task this is 100 percent complete. When you save the project on a server, the local resource is assigned to the completed task, and the enterprise resource is assigned to the incomplete task.
- Consider the following scenario:
- You connect to a Project 2013 server in Project 2013.
- You checkout the enterprise global template.
- You open theVisual Basic Editor, and then you make some changes to some visual basic code that is stored in the global template.
- You save the project, and then you restart Project 2013.
- Consider the following scenario:Assume that you open a project that contains an interim baseline plan in Project 2013. When you insert interim baseline fields, such as Start1 and Finish1, the properties of the fields are empty.
- The system locale is set to a setting other than English (United States) on a computer.
- A Microsoft Excel workbook on the computer contains columns whose names are Outline Level and Start Date.
- You try to import the workbook into Project 2013.
August 2013 15.0.4535.1000
- Assume that you use the Gantt Chart view to view a specific number of pages in Project 2013. When you print the pages, the "Fit to" settings in the Page Setup dialog box are not applied correctly. For example, Gantt bars and text may not be printed.
- When you change the font for the "All assignments row" in the Bar Styles dialog box in Task or Resource Usage view in Project 2013, the changes are not applied correctly.
- When you clear the "Show bar splits" check box in the Layout dialog box on the FORMATtab in Project 2013, you receive the following error message:
An unexpected error occurred.
June 2013
- Consider the following scenario: You try to paste some data in the timescale pane on the right side of a usage view in Project 2013. For example, you try to paste work values into the resource usage view. However, the data is not pasted.
- You create a task that contains a long task name in a project in Project 2013.
- The task name is wrapped in a new row.
- You print or print preview the project.
- It takes longer than expected to open a project that is located on a network share in Project 2013.
- You set a Gantt chart bar to have a hollow middle pattern. When you print or print preview the project, the Gantt bar of the task does not appear.
April 2013 15.0.4505.1000- Assume that you print a view or a report in Project 2013. Additionally, assume that you specify that the pages be stapled together. Then, you print multiple copies of the view or report. In this situation, each copy is not stapled separately.
- Assume that you set the Week starts on calendar option to any day except Sunday in Project 2013. Additionally, assume that you set the bottom timescale of a usage view to months or years. In this situation, data in the calendar is displayed in the incorrect month.
- When you print or print preview a task or resource usage view in Project 2013, only the first one or two pages in a multiple page printout are printed or displayed correctly. Additionally, the remaining data on the pages may be misplaced or blank where data is expected.
- Assume that you display the Resource Graph view in Project 2013. Additionally, assume that the view in the top pane is a task or resource view. In this situation, the data in the Resource Graph view is displayed in an incorrect period.
February 2013 15.0.4481.1000- Assume that you create two tasks that you must manually schedule in Project 2013, and then you assign the same resource to both tasks. When you assign a duration of time that includes nonworking days to the tasks, the resource leveling feature does not work correctly.
RTM - Version at initial release - 15.0.4420.1017
Published Mar 25, 2019
Version 1.0Brian-Smith
Joined June 24, 2016
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