Unable to view image in Outlook App on Mobile Phone

Copper Contributor


Hi All


I am using the following to embed an image in body of the email in Send an Email (v2) action.


<img src="data&colon;image/jpg;base64,@{body('Get_attachment_content')['$content']}" alt="Image" />


It works fine and able to view image in Outlook on Laptop. When I open the same email on Mobile Phone using outlook app, image is not visible and looks like a small icon.


Please help me on this issue.


Thank you.

2 Replies

@MadhusudanShettyMS  Hi, did you solve it?  I have the same problem. I can see the embebed image in the email from Outlook web, but when I try to open it the mobile app, the image doesn't show





By adding Attachments Name - 1 & Attachments Content in the flow.


Thank you.