Filled value depending on another value

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone,


I don't know if it is possible but I have 2 columns, in a Sharepoint List:

  • Column 1 with 3 choices: Refused, Accepted, Studied
  • Column 2 with 3 choices: Waiting, In progress, Treated


If an user chooses "accepted" or "studied" in column 1, I want the column 2 to automatically turn on "In progress".


I dont know how to do this using power apps, can you help me please

1 Reply
If you have customized the form. You can go to the 2nd drop down and unlock it. Then for the default and I think it’s values or items property you would put an statement saying if(dropdown1.value = “accepted” || “studied”, choices(“in progress”),choices(“waiting”,”in progress”,”treated”)) in the values/items property.

Then for default. if(dropdown1.value = “accepted” || “studied”,“in progress”,””)

You’ll have to lookup exact format for these functions but that’s the overall way to do it. On phone I’m bed so can’t really look in that deep. Hopefully this helps.