Customized List form shrunk to left hand corner

Copper Contributor

App type: Customized Form/SharePoint Integrated Form


Issue: The screen or form of a published SharePoint Online customized list form shrunk to the upper left hand corner.


Seeking help on: How do I revert the form or screen to its original size?


Background: I did not make any changes to the form. The live published version is the most current - from August 2021. Today 1) I opened the form in Power Apps, 2) visually verified a formula and 3) closed Power Apps without saving changes or publishing changes. 10 minutes after closing Power Apps I accessed the SharePoint list in Chrome and clicked an item to view its customized form. The screen or form was shrunk to the upper-left hand corner. How do I resolve the shrunken size?



1 Reply


The cause was not identified so my resolution was to re-publish the last working version and update it to include changes lost in the corrupted version. 


I posted in another forum and v-bofeng-msft told me to try the below steps.  I can’t say if they work or not; I’d already published over the corrupted form version when the suggestion was delivered.  Hope their steps work for someone else!


  1. Adjust the web page zoom to 100%
  2. Refresh the webpage(Press F5)