May 30 2023 05:40 AM
We have a power apps that was working well for 1.5 years. today some fields were not showing correctly, so i edit the power app and i noted that Power apps is raising errors on all the SharePoint fields which are been referenced by their display names. for example i am building this collections:-
Clear(colSource); ForAll(StatuesForDashBoard, Collect(colSource ,Filter( 'Grant Applications', IsGeneratedFromGrant = false && StaffMemberEmail = User().Email && ID = StatuesForDashBoard[@GrantApplicationID]) ) ); // Create a collection of all daily appointments ClearCollect( colGrants, AddColumns( ShowColumns( colSource, "ID", "GrantTitle", "Grantee", "GrantAmountRequested_x0028_inUSD", "Category", "ApplicantEmailAddress", "Areyouapplyingforthisgrantasanin", "MailingAddress", "StaffMemberEmail", "RejectOnly" ), "Level", 2 ) ); // Create a collection of all unique Title values ClearCollect( colGrantTitles, AddColumns( RenameColumns( ForAll(Distinct( colSource, GrantTitle ), {Result: ThisRecord.Value}), "Result", "GrantTitle" ).GrantTitle, "Level", 1 ) ); // Combine both collections into a single collection ClearCollect( colCombinedGrants, colGrants, colGrantTitles ); //// *** NEW CODE **** // Sort the combined collection ClearCollect( colSortedGrants, SortByColumns( colCombinedGrants, "GrantTitle", "GrantAmountRequested_x0028_inUSD", "Level" ) );
and i added the "colSortedGrants" as the items for a gallery.
now previously i can reference a field which have a display name as "Are you applying for this grant as an individual?" and internal name as "Areyouapplyingforthisgrantasanin" using the display name.. but today this is no longer valid. here is a formula i am getting error on :-
now if i update the formula as follow it will work:-
any advice. if there is any recent update which force our app to raise these errors on display names?