Feb 08 2021 06:42 AM
I'm using an on-prem data gateway to read / write data to an on-prem SQL server using a flow.
It's possible to get the connection to the server and the Database but I'm always getting tables names as : #A5B94499, #A2CD3DD, etc. See attached image
Does anyone has this problem ?
Feb 08 2021 09:00 AM
Here is some details to clarify my problem.
We have a SQL server on Premise (local) on which we installed the "Onpremise data gateway" .
"The on-premises data gateway acts as a bridge to provide quick and secure data transfer between on-premises data (data that isn't in the cloud) and several Microsoft cloud services".
Inside a specific Flow (power automate) we need to read data from our onPremise database tables.
There is a couple of available actions in powerautomate to work with SQL server data https://docs.microsoft.com/fr-fr/connectors/sql/#update-row-(v2)) .
If I try to begin with a simple case : get rows from a table (see my attached images)
- I'm able to create the connection to the server using my data gateway
- I'm able to choose my server and database in the Get rows (v2) action.
- When I try to specify on which table I want to make the query, the dropdown gives me a list of tables that does not exist in the database.
My Database is named : tempDB
It contains only 3 tables inside : test1, test2, test3
Powerautomate show me a liste of weird coded name formatted as #ad254342.
I even tried to choose one of these "table" to test but, obviously, since the table does not reaaly exist, POwer automate return the error "the table does not exist".
So, I would like to know what is wrong ?
is it possible to use the SQL Server actions through an On Prem data gateway ?