Jan 22 2019 05:44 AM
I am looking forward to create a powerapp that will show data based on content type like all company wide annoucement or events
1. I have created a flow for this
I tried many ways returning the collection to powerapps, but it does not work
Jan 25 2019 08:14 AM
Respond to PowerApps block does not allow for passing arrays. The best way is to return string and parse it in PowerApps. Check below snapshots of my config:
Flow config:
In above the crucial part is the JSON scheme. You need to edit it a bit so it accept optional null value in fields. I paste my scheme below (i've bolded mentioned crucial part):
Once successfully receive results in PowerApps you need to parse it so your gallery could display it. PowerApps config in my case looks like below:
And here are the result:
Aug 10 2021 10:31 AM
@Michal Guzowski How about data from stored procedures? Parse JSON won't take the formula body('rev UnitIDValidation p').ResultSets.Table1. Thanks.