Error access Outlook Tasks from Flow

Steel Contributor

We have no issues connecting Flow to Outlook, however when we want to connect to Outlook Tasks we get the following error:


OutlookTasksConnector-PowerApps and Flow needs permission to access resources in your organisation that only an admin can grant. Please ask an admin to grant permission to this app before you can use it.


Anybody any idea what is causing this behavior?


12 Replies

My apologies that I don't have a solution, but I'm also experiencing this issue.  All of my Flows are working, except for those connected to Outlook Tasks.

Hi - it turns out this is a consent issue. 

Please work with the tenant admin to check if the “Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf” option in AAD is set to YES.

This option can be found under Azure Active Directory >> Users and groups >> User settings >> Enterprise applications

Hi @Alexandru Tofan,


This setting is indeed turned off in our tenant because we do not want our users to give consent to 3rd party apps. However it is strange this setting is only needed for Outlook Tasks, right?

I cannot test it, but if correct it seems like a design flaw or bug to me...

I've reported the issue to the appropriate team and I am waiting for an answer as there were several other people who experienced the same behaviour. I do not know why the Outlook Tasks connector behaves differently from connector but I am hoping to find out soon. I will keep this thread updated.

Hi @Joost Koopmans,


The Outlook Tasks connector uses a 3rd party app and requires consent. The name of the application is OutlookTasksConnector-PowerApps and Flow and the application ID is 99da6bf4-4525-4bfa-b39f-b6a35789c240. Make sure permission is granted to this app in AAD before attempting to use the connector. It is not mandatory to turn ON the “Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf” option if permission has been granted to the app.

@Alexandru Tofan, thanks but this is very weird, right? We do not know anything about this 3rd party app and therefore we will not add this app but will wait until Microsoft get its act together, so to say...

Hi Joost, I want to make sure we are talking about the same app. Please take a look at the screenshot I attached.

I guess it is, however there is no notice about a 3rd party, the creator is Microsoft and the backend is Microsoft as well...


I'm having trouble locating the app in AAD and our users are getting the error.


Any help figuring out how to search for it?

I have had a similar issue with the same connector. All that needs to be done is for the Global Admin to log in to flow and select the exact same connector, it would prompt the Global Admin to consent, once the Global Admin has consented on behalf of the organisation, all users will be able to create the connector Successfully.

@Joost Koopmans 


AccessFlow is Live!

The new AccessFlow tool launched on September 2! AccessFlow is the new tool for requesting access to University systems such as UAccess and Trellis. The current Access Provisioning Tool in Cherwell will be decommissioned in September. AccessFlow is built in ServiceNow, which allows for additional new benefits. The new tool will enhance workflow for effectiveness and increased productivity, improve audit response, and provide a single unified interface to request, track, and execute operations. To enter AccessFlow, click Log In in the top right corner, then select Access Provisioning on the portal banner. Note: Some users have reported difficulties using AccessFlow in the Firefox browser, please use an alternate browser.