Do we need to pay extra fees to create 2 power platform environments?

Steel Contributor

We want to create 2 power platform environments; one for testing and the other for production. we need them for developing and deploying to production 2 solutions which contain Power Apps canvas applications, power automate and SharePoint data sources.


I am going to create the 2 environments using a user who have Power Automate premium licenses and who is a power platform admin , and the users who will be using the related power apps and power automate have E1 or E3 licenses... so my question do we need to pay any extra fees for creating and using those 2 environments ?



3 Replies
No each Enviroment is free but if you want to use premium features you need a account with premium license to use premium features and the users who will use those functions

@john john you should be fine but be aware that if you decide to use Dataverse as a data source that you will run into capacity limits.

Your first Power Apps Premium license will give you 10Gb of DB. You can see what you are using in the 

capacity view.


One thing to be aware of, if the app uses any premium connectors (including Dataverse), then all users of the app will also need a Power Apps Premium license.

List of all Premium tier connectors | Microsoft Learn


@john john 


Creating additional environments isn't specifically dependent on licensing. But it is dependent on Capacity and the only way to get extra Capacity is to purchase either per user or per app licenses. If all you have are Office licenses then you can also create additional environments using the Developer plan, since those aren't subject to Capacity constraints.


But in your case since you have at least one Premium license you may have the capacity to create multiple environments. Once they are created there is no licensing requirement for the use of apps or flows in those environments. Its all dependent on the connectors used.


The one other thing to be aware of is that SharePoint isn't aware of those environments. Your SharePoint lists will be available from all the environments. You can use environment variables and solutions to change which list the apps and flows are pointed at.


ReferenceDo we need to pay extra fees to create 2 power platform environments? - Credits: @Paul Stork 

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