Sep 06 2017 03:27 AM
I am trying to create a PowerApp that has a field that, among other olumns, should show a user from SharePoint Online.
Most columns from the connected SP list are shown in PowerApps, but all "Person or Groups" columns are not there. I have tried to change the the columns from "Name (with presence)" to "Name", "User name" etc. but to no avail.
I assume that I am doing something wrong, but what?
Sep 06 2017 04:08 AM
Hi @JakobRohde,
Have you tried using the Data table control and Forms? Or are you using other controls?
I just tried a Form and found that my user fields do appear as drop downs.
Sep 06 2017 04:21 AM
HI @JakobRohde
I might just have reproduced your problem.
In the Value1 below DisplayName was selected. I chnaged it to Email and then changed it back to DisplayName and now the user name is displayed correctly in my form.