Can we have Power Apps and Power Automate inside SharePoint On-premises

Steel Contributor

We are working on a new SharePoint project, where the customer does not have any SharePoint licenses yet, and they want to use SharePoint On-Premises.

So I have the following questions, If can we use Power Apps and Power Automate inside SharePoint On-premises? If the answer is Yes, then what version of SharePoint On-premises we need to use?

Second question, If Power Apps is supported inside On-premises SharePoint, then can we use to build the following:

  1. Customizing the lists/libraries forms?
  2. Build Standalone canvas apps?
  3. Build Responsive Power apps using the responsive feature provided such as horizontal and vertical containers?
1 Reply

@john john You can use on-premises data gateway to connect with SharePoint on-premises sites/lists in Power Apps and Power Automate.

Check below documentations for more information:

  1. What is an on-premises data gateway?
  2. Support for on-premises SharePoint lists

Using data gateway you can develop standalone canvas apps with responsive features as well. Also, as per the comment by @jcgonzalezmartin on thread: SharePoint 2019 List form customization, list form customizations will not be supported using Power apps.


My recommendation will be to use the SharePoint 2019 as it is latest SharePoint on-premises version with modern experience.

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