Can't remove Flow from OneDrive & SP libraries

Steel Contributor

We have turned off the licenses for Flow, but the button is still there in OneDrive and other SharePoint libraries. Any idea how we can remove the flow button from our environment? 

8 Replies

I think it's not enough to remove Flow licenses in order to hide Flow button from ODFB and SPO document libraries....adding here @Chris McNulty


is there a solution to this?  How to hide the flow button in document libraries?

Ey Gilbert, no to my knowledge but let's see if @StephenRice can say something here (ODFB part)

FLow is delivered directly from Office 365 and does not require extra license unless you want to use Flow a whole lot then you need a license.


So basicly it is out of the box functionality which cannot be disabled at this point.


We are talking here about the ability to hide Flow buttons :-)...and to my knowledge, there is not such a way for ODFB and for SPO
best response confirmed by Pooya Obbohat (Steel Contributor)

Thanks Paul.

I just read  where @Kerem Yuceturk extensively talks about the reasoning behind having the flow and powerapps menu items.





You can actually accomplish by using PowerShell with the PnPOnline module:

 Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline

Connect-PnPOnline –Url <URL> –Credentials (Get-Credential)

$ctx = Get-PnPContext

$ctx.Site.DisableFlows = $true;



@Steve Hughes  This works for OneDrive but with some caveats.


- It must be run against every OneDrive site

- The account running the script must first be added as a site collection admin


It would be much nicer if there was a tenant-level checkbox in the OneDrive admin center.

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Pooya Obbohat (Steel Contributor)

Thanks Paul.

I just read  where @Kerem Yuceturk extensively talks about the reasoning behind having the flow and powerapps menu items.





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