Jun 21 2022 02:25 AM
I have x2 SP lists:
In each list, there is a column 'PAN'. This will act as a one-to-many relationship between List 1(one) and List 2(many). When a field in List1 is modified and is a specific value, I want to populate a lookup column in List 1 with all the IDs of those Items in List 2 with matching PAN values.
I use Get items to filter the items returned from List 2 based on the PAN from List 1. No issues.
I then use an 'Apply to Each' using the VALUE returned from the Get Items to try to Append each ID (from List 2) to the lookup column values. When I do this it replaces the previous ID until only the last ID remains in the Lookup field.
The Lookup column is an Integer and allows for multiple entries.
How do I loop through all the returned values and append each one into the Lookup field so I have all the returned values (IDs) in the lookup field?
Thank you in advance
Thank you.