Premium project tasks not showing in Planner

Copper Contributor

We currently use P4W extensively and had hoped to use the new planner to manage tasks created by this product however these tasks do not appear. Also when we create new projects using Basic the tasks show in My Tasks but this is not the case for tasks created as Premium is this expected behaviour 

11 Replies

@Steve_28 I also have this question. If I can't then we are back to Asana?



I am also still having this issue, seems like it should be a fairly easy fix but with MS who knows



Just today I also noticed this issue. It's very hard to manage a team without the tasks showing up in their planner, so looking forward to the "fix".

Upvote this comment! This really takes detracts from the benefit of using Premium plans.
Same issue - wow this is annoying....

@Steve_28- same issue for us. Project tasks assigned to users are not appearing in that user's "My Tasks" in the New Planner experience inside teams. However, a user can see the Project Plan in the New Planner app and navigate directly to the task, the task is just not aggregating under "My Tasks", whether "all" or "Assigned to Me" is checked. This makes it really hard for a user to see "all their tasks" in one location.

It was the main point of this update.... For it to not be working as advertised is frustrating.

Looks like this feature is rolling out in phases starting just a couple days ago. Perhaps we just haven't received it yet?

Yes I saw that and have been checking each morning! Hopefully!
I'm sitting at the M365 conference now and they made a big deal about Premium showing up in my Plans but I don't still don't see Premium tasks in My Tasks....


Using new Planner (in teams) I'm seeing these tasks appear now - but the planner app in the web (used as installed chrome app) is not (still old planner logo).


Is everyone else experiencing similar behavior?  We may now just have to wait for the new planner to launch on web for "ease" of use.  I hate that they are burying apps inside Teams - that's not an ideal functionality for a lot of people!!

